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  • If paralysis reversal is possible, and I believe it is,given the right therapies (please see PARALYSIS REVERSAL PLAN link page), I would like to put this experience into writing and add it to my story as proof that alternative therapies can work in cases like mine.
  • Establish a foundation for people with health problems that professionals do not want to deal with (meaning help reverse) or which are being dealt with as some disease to be managed and not reversed. I do understand that most people (incuding many allopathic medical doctors) are not ready for this, but some are, and they need support to facilitate change and not disease management. Even if only a few people can be helped each year, this is a step in a healthier direction.

    For example, many people could avoid colon surgery through the use of colonics (much more cost effective in the long run) but colonics are not paid for by most health insurance programs. Many herbal treatments/applications are available which are much less dangerous/toxic than allopathic pharmaceutical drugs, but people need qualified doctors for safe and effective use of these alternatives. If a medical doctor has colon surgeons and drug salepeople for friends, then his/her patients may never hear of these options.
  • Create a political action committee to lobby and advocate improved access to alternative medical therapies. Without the benefit of alternative medical therapy, I, Gregory Mann would probably be in some kind of mental institution or "living on the street". Even though my alternative medical therapy access is very limited because of income, I have made most of my recovery through using alternative medical therapies, such as naturopathic medicine (herbal treatment for seizures),craniosacral therapy, and colonic therapy. Everyone deserves to have access to alternative therapies which can improve their condition without hurting them in the process of doing it as is the case with many allopathic treatments (drugs and surgeries).
  • Receive assistance in selected areas of interest. Please click below to find out how you can help.
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last updated 08-29-01