If you want to sell me something, use the mail address. I open 80%+ of my mail. If I want your product, I will buy it. I consider telemarketing offensive. Also, I generally do not buy products on the internet. I like touching things. Please use the mail.
If you are a therapist or health care practioner and you think you can help me, please contact me. If your communication is about the CAN YOU HELP? link page, please contact me.
If you want to comment on the web site, feel free to use any method of contact. I welcome ideas to help me succeed. If you want me to be your protégé and help me achieve my goals, please contact me.
If you think I should relocate, (I do) please don’t forget where I want to be! Coastal California counties from San Luis Obispo down to San Diego including Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange are most desireable. Please see the CAN YOU HELP? link page for more on relocation.
If you want to hire me, don’t bother if I won’t make $50,000 a year to start, unless you have some kind of plan (such as free rent) to raise the needed money to reverse my paralysis. I want to reverse my paralysis and promote alternative therapies as health care options.
I'm not very interested in material wealth. I'm interested in inner emotive peace. I view the mainstream work world as a vicious cycle of trying to improve ones housing and neighborhood. I would rather be poor and happy in a third world country than a hard-working middle class USA citizen with a television set and a 401K. This may sound strange or like something is wrong with me. But don't forget, I was almost killed in a baseball bat attack to the head. I just want health not disease management. See Q8 on FAQ link page.
If you want to recruit me to your religion, you might as well forget it. Religion is not one of my interests. I attend Roman Catholic services about half dozen times a year for fun. I was born into that denomination. I am a fan of:
Theravada Buddhism secularism the Unity Church Unitarian Universalist Association the Christian Science church (The First Church of Christ, Scientist) I think the Christian Science Monitor is an excellent publication.
I believe in God, but don't ponder it too often. I trust religion about as much as I trust the police or the government in general. If you want to talk about this kind of stuff, I don't want it interfering with my recovery. If it assists me in modifying my thinking, then that is positive. But I don't want to change my PARALYSIS REVERSAL PLAN. Please e-mail first with this kind of information.
What I do sincerely believe in is Attitudinal Healing.
Attitudinal Healing is a worldwide, non-profit organization of over 125 Centers. These centers teach that people and circumstances do not cause conflict or distress. It is our own thoughts, feelings and attitudes about people and events that produce our struggle. Attitudinal Healing is a shift in thinking and attitude that allows us to know that we can have inner peace regardless of external circumstances. People who pratice attitudinal healing believe that in all situations we are faced with two central choices: peace or conflict, love or fear.
1. The essence of our being is LOVE.
2. Health is inner peace. Healing is letting go of fear.
3. Giving and receiving are the same.
4. We can let go of the past and of the future.
5. NOW is the only time there is each instant is for giving.
6. We can learn to LOVE ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
7. We can become LOVE finders rather than fault finders.
8. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
9. We are students and teachers to each other.
10. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
11. Since LOVE is eternal, death need not be viewed as fearful.
12. We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending LOVE or giving a call for help.
Gregory Mann
3501 Oakwood Blvd. Suite 414
Melvindale, MI 48122-1168
Please try to call between 9AM-11PM Eastern Daylight Time.
If I am not here leave your phone number and why you are
calling.I may or may not call you back depending on your
message.I will pay for calls I return.
Fax Number
Call for the number.I have free fax access if needed.