

I am 6 feet tall and weigh about 145 lbs. I will probably lose 5 to 15 lbs. once I reverse my paralysis. Less tension less weight. I have hazel colored eyes and brown hair.
I'm single with no children. I believe I am a generous,honest, intelligent, kind, serious, and strong minded person. In addition, I believe I possess good character, soul, and spirit (even though, I believe my spirit needs developing).
Interests of mine include: being outside, warm weather (above 40 degrees) riding my bike, beaches (especially the ocean), sun, sunsets, walking, rollerblading, candles, my sauna, yoga, whirlpool spas, and reading. I like traveling to towns without US Interstate Highways near them.
I like ballroom type dancing, although I need to practice and learn more. Ballroom dancing is excellent osteopathic/posture therapy.
Once or twice a year I enjoy visting an art gallery, musuem, or a zoo. Continuing education classes have helped with the creation of this web site. I used to enjoy concerts of all kinds, but since the head injury my interest has declined. I would rather be outdoors in a minimally developed quiet place.
I want to spend more time hiking and camping. I like being outside away from developed urban areas (too much concrete and buildings). Unfortunately, my paralyzed hand prevents me from handling tents.

I think one of the most important things anyone can do to improve their life is go outside and support park development (especially in urban areas). Breathe and feel the air.
I have interests in healthier living ideas, especially diet improvement. I am working on incorporating more green foods, less flour based products, less refined sugar products. I am not a vegetarian, although I do not consume much animal products. Since most meat products are derived from commerically abused animals (except fish),it is possible that I may end up a vegetarian someday (no animal product diet-meat). I do enjoy some ice cream and yogurt products.

I have a 1992 Mazda MPV minivan with 88,000 miles. I miss my 1989 Chevrolet Camaro. Although impractical, it was fun to drive. I don't miss the speeding tickets!
I live in Melvindale, Michigan between Interstates 94 and 75. The General Motors Corporation world headquarters is about 9 miles away in downtown Detroit and the Ford Motor Company world headquarters is about 4 miles away in Dearborn. Windsor, Ontario, Canada is about 5 miles (8 kilometers)away. My environment is urban by definition and too loud/busy for me.

I am interested in a more rural environment. Someday, I would like to move to one of the coastal California counties. San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties are highest on my list. Also, I like Hawaii, southern New Mexico, and southern Florida. I would like to visit Australia. Detroit's weather is a four season climate with extensive cloud cover except in the summer months. Please visit the CAN YOU HELP? link page.
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last updated 12-01-01